
I want to invite all who visit here to join the community of those who are Evoked by Life. My writings are designed to invite you into your own self/ soul/ life exploration and to build a community of sojourners. Add your own voice; your own Truth to this ongoing journey of discovery and revelation.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

From a follower DK

From Carolyn:
Decide not to fear illumination.
Decide you will trust God. The alternative -  to trust nothing at all, not your God, not your world, not
your relationships, not growing older - is so desperately bleak. Openly declare your loyalty to the
expansion of your consciousness.
This paragraph rocked my soul. So deliciously easy....such an arrow straight to my heart.
When I feel shook, I reread it and a feeling of solidness envelopes me like a cloud of angel dust.
Thank you Carolyn for writing it. Thank you God for being it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being so involved in your own journey on the path to enlightenment and being open to meeting the Divine within.
